
No longer in office
Prime Minister
Conservative Party of Canada
1,525 days in office
41st Parliament of Canada
30 May 2011 - 02 Aug 2015

After two consecutive terms in a minority government (2006-2008, 2008-2011), Stephen Harper led the Conservative Party to a majority government with 166 seats and 39.62% of the popular vote on May 2, 2011. By rejecting the budget proposed by Harper’s minority government and adopting a motion of non-confidence asserting that the Harper government was in contempt of Parliament, the opposition parties forced the elections.

In the Conservative Party platform entitled “Here for Canada: Stephen Harper’s low tax plan for jobs and economic growth,” Harper’s Conservatives focused on furthering the economic recovery from the Great Recession of 2008. They hoped to obtain a strong mandate to implement the next phase of Canada’s Economic Action Plan, to eliminate the deficit by 2014-2015, and its “tough on crime” agenda for “law-abiding Canadians”. Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party designed a platform with 143 pledges, some of which appealed to very specific market segments according to a political marketing strategy. In Québec, Harper appealed to Quebec nationalists with the slogan “Notre région au pouvoir” (Our Region in Power).

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Promise History

3.07.04 - “We will not cut transfer payments to individuals or to the provinces for essential things like health care, education, and pensions.”


“The 2004 deal – covering the health, social and equalization transfer programs – expires in 2013-14. The deal included annual 6 per cent increases for health transfers and 3 per cent increases to the social transfer. Mr. Flaherty announced that while the social transfer will continue at 3 per cent, the health transfer will move toward a formula based on economic growth.”


“The provinces already know that Ottawa is looking to cut growth in health-care funding from the current level of 6 per cent annually to something like the nominal increase in gross domestic product – say about 4 per cent – after 2016. Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan figures that would cost the provinces $25-billion over 10 years in lost health transfers.”

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Started tracking on: 30-May-2011
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