Promise History
2.11.01 - “We are […] building more roads and highways across rural and Northern Ontario”
In the 2022 Budget, the Ford government announced $492 million for the development of Northern roads and infrastructure, identifying four example projects in Northern Ontario. In early 2023, the Government announced funding for 32 First Nation communities to build and maintain winter roads. This promise is in progress as these projects develop.
“The Ontario government is providing $8 million to the Town of Moosonee and 32 First Nation communities to build and maintain 3,200 kilometres of winter roads for the 2022-23 season. The winter roads network provides seasonal connections to the provincial highway network for remote and Far North communities.”
Ontario Investing in Winter Roads Network
“Ontario has a plan to improve road safety, create jobs and make life easier for people in Northern Ontario. In 2022–23, the government plans to spend $492.7 million to get shovels in the ground on critical infrastructure projects.”
2022 Ontario Budget: Ontario's Plan to Build
Andrea Horwath Candidate Attacks Rural and Northern Ontarians
Reference Documents
“The Northern Highways Program lists highway construction projects that are planned or underway in northern Ontario. All expansion projects with committed construction funding are identified, including upcoming expansion with target completion dates to be determined. The rehabilitation program is focused on the years 2022 to 2025.”
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