Promise History
2.01.05 - “Going forward, government infrastructure and settlement services funds will be contingent on communities having a well-developed strategy for population growth.”
Le polimètre considère toujours cette promesse en suspens. Dans le plan d’action pour la croissance démographique du gouvernement Higgs, à la mesure 35, nous constatons une volonté du gouvernement de développer des stratégies pour la croissance démographique dans les communautés du Nouveau-Brunswick. Or, nous n’avons pas encore trouvé preuve qu’une telle politique s’est réellement matérialisée.
The polimeter considers this promise as still pending. In the government’s Action Plan for Population Growth, we see a desire to develop strategies for population growth in New Brunswick communities. However, we have yet to find evidence that such a policy has been implemented.
“Collaborer avec les administrations locales à l’élaboration ou la mise en œuvre de stratégies de croissance démographique ou de plans d’immigration régionaux de leurs collectivités.”
“Work with local governments as they implement or develop their communities’ own population growth strategies or regional immigration plans”
Plan d'action pour la croissance démographique du Nouveau-Brunswick
Le polimètre considère cette promesse comme toujours en suspens. Nous n’avons trouvé aucune preuve que cette politique existe.
The Polimeter has not yet rated this pledge. We have found no evidence that this policy exists.
“Our government will continue immigrant attraction and retention efforts. This includes $1 million through the Immigrant Settlement Support Funding Program to help non-profit organizations to assist with the settlement, integration and retention of newcomers.”
2022-23 budget: Building on Success
“Incorporated Areas
New Brunswick local governments are eligible to receive per capita funding.
Unincorporated Areas
Organizations representing unincorporated areas of New Brunswick, including Regional Service Commissions, water and wastewater commissions, community groups, and other organizations acting on behalf of unincorporated areas are eligible to apply.”
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