
In office
Coalition avenir Québec
2,010 days in office
42nd Legislature of Quebec
03 Dec 2018 - 28 Aug 2022
43rd Legislature of Quebec
20 Oct 2022 - Present

The 2022 Quebec general election held on October 3, 2022 resulted in a second decisive victory for the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ), led by François Legault. The CAQ won 90 of the 125 seats in the National Assembly, 16 more than in 2018, with 40.98% of the popular vote.

For more details on the Legault government’s first mandate, we invite you to consult the Legault Polimeter I and the following book: Bilan du gouvernement de la CAQ : Entre nationalisme et pandémie (2022).

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Promise History

2.08.01 - “A re-elected CAQ government promises to ask] Ottawa to accept the fact that Québec should have all essential control over the intake and integration of its own immigrants, who in turn should be granted the means to learn the French language if they are not already fluent”

In progress

« Comme La Presse le révélait en septembre dernier, Québec impose de nouvelles mesures de français à certains immigrants temporaires, dont le nombre a explosé au cours des dernières années. Ils seraient désormais près de 466 000 sur le territoire québécois. // À l’avenir, un niveau débutant de connaissances du français à l’oral sera exigé aux travailleurs étrangers temporaires qui voudront renouveler leur permis de travail au-delà d’un délai de trois ans. Cette exigence ne vise toutefois pas les travailleurs agricoles. […] De son côté, le gouvernement Legault demande au fédéral d’imposer à son tour après trois ans un test de français aux travailleurs étrangers issus du programme de mobilité internationale (PMI), qui est contrôlé par Ottawa. Environ 119 000 personnes sont titulaires d’un tel permis au Québec. Par ailleurs, le premier ministre réitère une fois de plus sa demande pour que le fédéral répartisse mieux à travers le pays les demandeurs d’asile qui arrivent au Canada à partir du Québec.  »

In progress

“Premier François Legault said that will be possible after an immigration reform that will require the vast majority of people who come through the province’s economic immigration system to speak French before they arrive.//‘From the moment we are able to, because there’s real openness on the part of the federal government, say that the increase is only francophones, or people who have mastered French, that completely changes the situation,’ he told reporters Thursday in Quebec City”

In progress

Through the 2023-2024 budget, the government is trying to protect the French language in the economic integration of immigrants.

“To assist the socioeconomic integration of immigrants, support the economic vitality of all regions of Québec and protect the French language, in Budget 2023-2024, the government is providing $509.6 million over five years aimed at: // increasing support for learning French through the rollout of Francisation Québec “

In progress

The CAQ government is planning investments and new services to improve the French language skills of immigrants.

“To improve proficiency in French, particularly for immigrants, in Budget 2023-2024, the government is providing $213.5 million over five years for initiatives aimed at, among other things: // increasing the number of remote-learning courses and tutoring; // offering French courses abroad to workers recruited during international recruitment activities; // rolling out Francisation Québec and expanding the offer of francization services to new clienteles, in particular in the workplace and in early childhood”

In progress

Quebec does not have all the powers necessary for the reception and integration of its immigrants.

“Quebec Immigration Minister Christine Fréchette maintained in a Twitter post that the 50,000 immigrant threshold is necessary “in order to respect (the) capacity of reception, francization and integration” of Quebec. // “Our position remains the same: we need (more) powers in immigration if we want to protect French” […]” (Traduction”

In progress

According to Ottawa, the Quebec government has all the necessary powers in immigration.

“The Quebec government has a lot of room to manoeuvre on immigration in general. It could do more. It could be much clearer about its requirements, much clearer about its expectations, for example, in terms of francization. […] As for family reunification and refugees,” adds Professor Corbeil, “there could be conditions aimed at facilitating the learning of French.” (Traduction”

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Started tracking on: 20-Oct-2022
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