
In office
Coalition avenir Québec
2,097 days in office
42nd Legislature of Quebec
03 Dec 2018 - 28 Aug 2022
43rd Legislature of Quebec
20 Oct 2022 - Present

The 2022 Quebec general election held on October 3, 2022 resulted in a second decisive victory for the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ), led by François Legault. The CAQ won 90 of the 125 seats in the National Assembly, 16 more than in 2018, with 40.98% of the popular vote.

For more details on the Legault government’s first mandate, we invite you to consult the Legault Polimeter I and the following book: Bilan du gouvernement de la CAQ : Entre nationalisme et pandémie (2022).

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Promise History

2.11.22 - “A re-elected CAQ government] wishes to accelerate the planning of the Quebec City-Lévis Tunnel [and promises to expand] the mandate of the Quebec City-Lévis Tunnel project office to plan in detail the development of the exits north and south of the tunnel. This mandate will include the development of an urban boulevard south of the Laurentian Autoroute and the linkage between this tunnel exit and the various revitalization projects announced in this sector in full transformation. It will also focus on improving the development of the Dufferin-Montmorency Expressway sector as far as the Estimauville sector, in conjunction with the planning of phase 4 of the Promenade Samuel-de-Champlain.””


« Le débat sur la forme que devrait prendre le futur troisième lien entre Québec et Lévis est relancé. Les déclarations du premier ministre Legault à ce sujet – qui a même évoqué “un pont” ou “un tunnel pour les camions”, mercredi – semblent avoir eu un effet vivifiant sur ses troupes. Tout est sur la table, répètent ses députés. »


“The Prime Minister mentioned that the decision to abandon the highway portion of the Quebec-Lévis tunnel will be reviewed every 5 years taking into account the evolution of inter-river traffic.”


The new 3rd Link project is very different in nature from the previous one and instead of accelerating the work, the project seems to start from scratch.

“The third highway link project between Quebec City and Lévis is no more. Because of a decrease in traffic on the bridges, but also for a question of cost, the Legault government is abandoning its election promise. It now advocates a tunnel reserved for public transit between the two shores.””

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“The tunnel project to connect Quebec City and Levis still fits on a presentation of about ten pages made public in April 2022 by the Caquist government.””

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Started tracking on: 20-Oct-2022
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