
In office
Coalition avenir Québec
2,010 days in office
42nd Legislature of Quebec
03 Dec 2018 - 28 Aug 2022
43rd Legislature of Quebec
20 Oct 2022 - Present

The 2022 Quebec general election held on October 3, 2022 resulted in a second decisive victory for the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ), led by François Legault. The CAQ won 90 of the 125 seats in the National Assembly, 16 more than in 2018, with 40.98% of the popular vote.

For more details on the Legault government’s first mandate, we invite you to consult the Legault Polimeter I and the following book: Bilan du gouvernement de la CAQ : Entre nationalisme et pandémie (2022).

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Promise History

2.12.17 - “In order to respond to the wishes of seniors who want to remain in their homes as long as possible and receive care[, a re-elected CAQ government] will invest $900 million over four years and act on four fronts: [i]ntervene early to prevent and delay loss of autonomy among seniors; [m]obilize the entire community around home support; [b]onify home care and services and facilitate access to them; [e]ncourage innovations that create safe environments at home”

Partially kept

The integrated care and services team at certain CLSCs in the Montreal area offers services to help individuals targeted by this program to remain safely in their homes for longer.

“Professionals will assess your situation to determine with you and your loved ones what care and services you will need. The services that could be offered to you are: // Home help with everyday activities (dressing, eating, bathing, etc.) // Medical services; // Nursing care (blood tests, wound care, etc”

Partially kept

“In Budget 2023-2024, the government is investing once again to take care of seniors and informal or family caregivers. To this end, an additional amount of $2.0 billion will be provided over five years, namely: $963.5 million to increase the supply of home-support services, $705.0 million to offer housing adapted to the needs of seniors for a high-qualityliving environment and $202.7 million to continue government initiatives for seniors and informal or family caregivers”

Not yet rated
Started tracking on: 20-Oct-2022

Reference Documents

« Le Québec demeure en queue de peloton au Canada en matière de budgets consacrés aux soins à domicile, constate la commissaire à la santé et au bien-être, qui suggère du même coup d’accorder une plus grande place à « l’innovation ».  »

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