
In office
Coalition avenir Québec
2,010 days in office
42nd Legislature of Quebec
03 Dec 2018 - 28 Aug 2022
43rd Legislature of Quebec
20 Oct 2022 - Present

The 2022 Quebec general election held on October 3, 2022 resulted in a second decisive victory for the Coalition avenir Québec (CAQ), led by François Legault. The CAQ won 90 of the 125 seats in the National Assembly, 16 more than in 2018, with 40.98% of the popular vote.

For more details on the Legault government’s first mandate, we invite you to consult the Legault Polimeter I and the following book: Bilan du gouvernement de la CAQ : Entre nationalisme et pandémie (2022).

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Promise History

2.12.18 - “A CAQ government intends […] to gradually deploy home hospitalization in all Quebec institutions by the end of 2026. Patients will be integrated into a virtual hospitalization unit where their health and well-being will be monitored by an interdisciplinary team (physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, rehabilitation professionals, etc.). Follow-up will be done at a distance, with home visits as needed. Of course, parents will have to meet specific criteria and give their consent to benefit from home hospitalization. […] [It promises that the] first five hospitalization at home units will be deployed in the Greater Montreal and National Capital regions by the end of 2023”

In progress

« Le gouvernement Legault annonce l’implantation, à compter de l’an prochain, de huit projets pilotes d’hospitalisation de patients à domicile dans le Grand Montréal et la région de Québec. Ces projets vitrines qui doivent libérer des lits dans les hôpitaux tout en assurant davantage de confort aux patients seront implantés dans l’ensemble des régions du Québec d’ici 2026, a annoncé la ministre déléguée à la Santé et aux Aînés, Sonia Bélanger. […] Le projet sera accessible aux personnes malades, mais qui ne sont pas dans un état critique.  »

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Started tracking on: 20-Oct-2022
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