
In office
Prime Minister
Liberal Party of Canada
2,975 days in office
42nd Parliament of Canada
03 Dec 2015 - 11 Sep 2019
43rd Parliament of Canada
05 Dec 2019 - 15 Aug 2021
44th Parliament of Canada
22 Nov 2021 - Present

The Canadian federal election of 2021 (officially the 44th Canadian general election) took place on September 20, 2021, and elected members of the House of Commons to Canada’s 44th Parliament. The Liberal Party, led by outgoing Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, won 160 seats, forming a second consecutive minority government.

The Trudeau government had originally made 569 promises in its 2021 campaign platform and press releases. This number was reduced to 352 by an extensive, multi-coder process of sorting promises according to their degree of precision and importance to society. Unclear and less important promises were removed from the analysis.

For an analysis of the achievements of Justin Trudeau’s first government (2015-2019), see Birch and Pétry (2019), Assessing Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Government. 353 promises and a mandate for change, published by Les Presses de l’Université Laval.

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Promise History

3.01.21 - “A re-elected Liberal government will: Introduce legislation to eradicate forced labour from Canadian supply chains and ensure Canadian businesses that operate abroad are not contributing to human rights abuses.”

Published: Nov 2021
Partially kept

The bill was assented to on May 11, 2023. However, the wording of the promise in French mentions the adoption of several laws, whereas the wording of the promise in English suggests that one law is sufficient to realize the promise. The Polimeter methodology prescribes that the most rigorous version be used to evaluate promises. As a result, the promise remains partially fulfilled.

“This enactment enacts the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, which imposes an obligation on certain government institutions and private-sector entities to report on the measures taken to prevent and reduce the risk that forced labour or child labour is used by them or in their supply chains. The Act provides for an inspection regime applicable to entities and gives the Minister the power to require an entity to provide certain information.”

In progress

“Budget 2023 announces the federal government’s intention to introduce legislation by 2024 to eradicate forced labour from Canadian supply chains to strengthen the import ban on goods produced using forced labour. The government will also work to ensure existing legislation fits within the government’s overall framework to safeguard our supply chains.””

In progress

At third reading in the House of Commons

“This enactment enacts the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act, which imposes an obligation on certain government institutions and private-sector entities to report on the measures taken to prevent and reduce the risk that forced labour or child labour is used by them or in their supply chains. The Act provides for an inspection regime applicable to entities and gives the Minister the power to require an entity to provide certain information. // This enactment also amends the Customs Tariff to allow for a prohibition on the importation of goods manufactured or produced, in whole or in part, by forced labour or child labour as those terms are defined in the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act.””

In progress

“Members of Parliament unanimously voted Wednesday to back a bill requiring Canadian companies to ensure they are not using forced labour or exploiting child workers overseas.””

Not yet rated
Started tracking on: 22-Nov-2021

Forward. For Everyone.

Published: Nov 2021
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